Eagle Drawings: Simple to Draw

Here’s some cool eagle drawings that are easy to draw. They’re bald eagles, including a simple eagle head and eagles flying.

Illinois Child Support Calculator for Parents

A new Illinois child support calculator page from Timtab shows that the state’s legislators are not making things as easy as they could. A Black Box Child Support Estimator Separated…

How to Coparent Effectively and Without Conflict

Parenting can be a tough thing to do even if you are in a great relationship. It is harder still if you get divorced or never had a relationship in…

Meet a Dairy Procurement Manager

Growing up on a Wisconsin dairy farm conjures up images of cows, milk and good neighbors. But a career in business? In fact, it was a neighborly act that launched…

Child Support in Illinois

Illinois has enacted a new child support system – since July 1, 2017. The new system will help switch the state into an income shares model for calculating children’s support…

Illinois Health Care Award Winners 2016

Springfield, IL – Adriene Wickline from Roseville Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Roseville, IL was named the 2016 Housekeeping Professional of the Year by the Illinois Health Care Association (IHCA) earlier…

Is Multi-Level Marketing Worth the Risks?

We all know someone (and maybe you’re that someone) that is a member of a multi-level marketing (MLM) business. Sometimes referred to as “network marketing”, “referral marketing”, or “direct sales”…